Dessau Videoproduktion und Multimedia

Dessau Videoproduktion und Multimedia cutting video Lectures video recording Video production of TV reports

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Results of our work

A homage to music and singing - that was the title of this event as part of the Mendl...

Mendl Festival 2019 in Zeitz with actor Michael Mendl - A homage to music and singing

In 2019, Beat Toniolo organized the Mendl Festival in Zeitz. Several events were held together with the actor Michael Mendl. The reading and concert with the title >A Homage to Music and Song< was recorded in this series of events. The video recording and production took place with 7 cameras in UHD/4K. If you would like to know more, please get in touch.

Dessau Videoproduktion und Multimedia - top quality and at the best price - professional recording of concerts, events, discussions, theater performances...
... to publish them on TV, web, on BluRay, DVD.

Only a small budget but high demands?

Usually you have to prioritize because these options are mutually exclusive. However, Dessau Videoproduktion und Multimedia is the exception to the rule. We use modern, latest-generation cameras of the same type with large 1-inch image sensors. In difficult lighting conditions, first-class image quality is ensured. The cameras can be controlled remotely through the use of programmable motorized pan-tilts, reducing manpower and enabling cost savings.

From our range of services

Video recording with multiple cameras (multi-camera video production)

Multi-camera video production is a main focus of Dessau Videoproduktion und Multimedia. For such productions we use cameras of the same type. When it comes to image quality, Dessau Videoproduktion und Multimedia makes no compromises. The recording is at least in 4K/UHD. The video editing is done using professional software on high-performance computers. Dessau Videoproduktion und Multimedia already offers the possibility to produce videos in 8K / UHD-II / UHDTV2 / 4320p.
Video recording of theater performances, concerts, readings ...

For the video recording of concerts, theater performances, readings, etc., we consistently use the multi-camera method. The multi-camera video recording makes it possible to record the different areas of the performance from different perspectives. We rely on modern cameras that are remote-controlled. The cameras are controlled from a central point with regard to zoom, sharpness and alignment. In this way, 5 or more cameras can be controlled by just one person. An entire event can be fully recorded by just one person.
Video reports for TV, streaming and internet

Through many years of activity, we also have a wealth of experience in this area. Over the years, several hundred video reports and TV features have been researched, filmed, edited and broadcast on television. The topics were as varied as the places reported on. The topics ranged from current news and information to cultural and sporting events, social events and much more. Our wealth of experience makes it possible for you to research all conceivable subject areas in order to produce TV reports and video reports.
Video production of rounds of talks, discussion events, interviews, etc.

Depending on what the client wants and how the situation is on site, several cameras are also used for interviews, rounds of talks, discussion events, etc. If the questioner is not to be shown in the picture in interviews with only one person, two cameras are sometimes completely sufficient. If an interview or conversation with several people is to be recorded on video, the use of more than 2 cameras is essential. Remotely controllable cameras would be used if it is an event with an audience. The technical effort is reduced if the video recording is of discussions without an audience.
Editing and editing of video and audio material

The video recording of events, concerts, interviews, etc. is of course only half the battle. The next step after video recording is video cutting or video editing. The soundtracks or audio tracks have to be adjusted and mixed while the video material is being edited. A complete video production includes the creation and integration of logos, blurbs and, if necessary, additional image, text and video material. You can also submit existing image, text, video and audio material. If, for example, the audio tracks of a concert recording are to be mastered, we can do this or you can supply it as a file.
Small series of CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs

Dessau Videoproduktion und Multimedia is also your partner for CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs in small quantities. When it comes to archiving audio, video and data, CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs offer clear advantages. Memory cards, hard drives and USB sticks are not designed to last forever. Since Blu-ray discs, DVDs and CDs contain no electronic components, this potential vulnerability and cause of data loss is absent. Blu-ray discs, DVDs and CDs are ideal for selling, giving away or archiving music and videos.

From our results from over 20 years of video production
Rome's legions in the Ark of Nebra: A TV documentary about the special show and its fascinating dioramas and model figures.

The fascination of the Roman Empire: How the special show arouses interest in history: A ... »
Storm depression Friederike in the Weißenfels home nature garden: A challenge for humans and animals

Storm in the zoo: An interview with director Ute Radestock about the effects of storm ... »
The real estate agent - the opinion of a citizen from the Burgenland district.

The real estate agent - the citizens' voice of the Burgenland ... »
No child's well-being without the will of the child - self-help group - narcissistic abuse - the citizens' voice of Burgenlandkreis

No child's well-being without the will of the child - Toxic relationships - Self-help group ... »
Abacay - Guitar Girl - music video

Music video of the project Abacay entitled Guitar ... »
The Wade Fernandez live concert in Burgwerben was a musical highlight that captured the hearts of the audience!

Burgwerben witnessed an incredible live concert by Indian Summer Music Award winner Wade ... »
Colorful stones and prehistoric finds: the mineral and fossil exchange in Bad Kösen. Expert interviews of the mineralogy association

Discover the treasures of nature: The mineral and fossil exchange in Bad Kösen. Interview ... »
Monkeys strong and lions clever: How children learn and grow through movement - A report on the educational aspects of the children's gymnastics show in Zeitz

Taffi and the grass lions - The exciting children's gymnastics show in Zeitz in the TV ... »
Matthias Voss in an interview with Stefan Hebert (Ins Finish - Dart & Sky Sportsbar in Zeitz).

Matthias Voss in conversation with Stefan Hebert (Dart & Sky Sportsbar ... »
The Zeitz/Bergisdorf riding and driving club has built a new facility with three large halls and space for 70 to 80 horses, as reported by Ivonne Pioch in an interview that served as the basis for a newspaper article.

A new home for horses: The Zeitz/Bergisdorf riding and driving club has built a new ... »
Interview with Marcel Kilz, the assistant coach of HC Burgenland, about the victory in the important top game against SV 04 Plauen Oberlosa in Euroville, Burgenlandkreis, and the importance of this success for the rest of the season.

Handball Oberliga: In Euroville, Burgenlandkreis, HC Burgenland and SV 04 Plauen Oberlosa ... »
We are not laboratory rats - a submission to the Burgenland district

We are not laboratory rats - The letter from the Burgenland ... »

Dessau Videoproduktion und Multimedia without Borders
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Русский • russian • রাশিয়ান
ქართული • georgian • грузинский
slovenský • slovak • 슬로바키아 사람
italiano • italian • ιταλικός
tiếng việt • vietnamese • vijetnamski
한국인 • korean • koreansk
english • anglais • angļu
čeština • czech • चेक
беларускі • belarusian • valgevenelane
eesti keel • estonian • Εσθονική
bugarski • bulgarian • бугарски
nederlands • dutch • nizozemščina
македонски • macedonian • macedónio
lietuvių • lithuanian • litauisk
हिन्दी • hindi • tiếng hindi
azərbaycan • azerbaijani • azerbaidžani
latviski • latvian • łotewski
magyar • hungarian • венгерский язык
日本 • japanese • tiếng nhật
Српски • serbian • сербська
հայերեն • armenian • armene
عربي • arabic • арапски
español • spanish • spaans
Монгол • mongolian • مغولی
türk • turkish • turks
polski • polish • polonês
dansk • danish • 丹麦语
basa jawa • javanese • người java
hrvatski • croatian • hırvat
slovenščina • slovenian • esloveno
lëtzebuergesch • luxembourgish • lüksemburgca
Ελληνικά • greek • grísku
français • french • francouzština
malti • maltese • maltalı
bosanski • bosnian • bosniansky
suid afrikaans • south african • Հարավ - աֆրիկյան
বাংলা • bengali • benqal dili
gaeilge • irish • Ирланд
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shqiptare • albanian • albanska
bahasa indonesia • indonesian • indonéz
deutsch • german • tiếng Đức
中国人 • chinese • китайский язык
עִברִית • hebrew • 希伯来语
română • romanian • rumeenlane
suomalainen • finnish • finština
íslenskur • icelandic • ისლანდიური
norsk • norwegian • норвешки
українська • ukrainian • ukrajinski
português • portuguese • portugalski
қазақ • kazakh • kazašský

पेज द्वारा अपडेट किया गया Gerald Saputra - 2024.09.21 - 10:19:59