Dessau Videoproduktion und Multimedia

Dessau Videoproduktion und Multimedia Video concert recording music video production Multi Camera Video Production

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From the results of over 2 decades of video production

Interview with state coach Steven Theilig from KSG Jodan Kamae Zeitz during the training of...

competition season, clinker halls, interview, TV report, disciplines, Zeitz, duo, preparation, fighting, training, Burgenlandkreis , President's Cup, Steven Theilig (state trainer fighting KSG JOdan Kamae Zeitz), state squad

Dessau Videoproduktion und Multimedia - the most economical and yet professional way to record events, conferences, concerts, discussions, theater performances ...
... to publish them on TV, web, on BluRay, DVD.

A challenging combination: demands and a tight budget?

Usually you have to make a choice as these options are mutually exclusive. However, Dessau Videoproduktion und Multimedia is the exception to the rule. We use the latest generation of cameras with large 1-inch image sensors of the same type. Demanding lighting conditions do not affect the excellent image quality. The cameras can be controlled remotely using the programmable motorized pan-tilts, reducing labor costs and enabling cost savings.

We offer the following services, among others

Multi-camera video production (parallel recording with multiple cameras)

A main field of activity of Dessau Videoproduktion und Multimedia is multi-camera video recording and video production. We rely on high-quality cameras of the same type. Basically, at least 4K/UHD is recorded. The video editing is done using professional software on high-performance computers. Dessau Videoproduktion und Multimedia already offers the possibility to produce videos in 8K / UHD-II / UHDTV2 / 4320p.
Video production of concerts, theater performances, readings ...

The video recording of theater performances, concerts, readings, etc. is of course done with several cameras. The multi-camera video recording makes it possible to record the different areas of the performance from different perspectives. Remote-controlled cameras are used. The cameras are controlled from a central point with regard to zoom, sharpness and alignment. In this way, 5 or more cameras can be controlled by just one person. An entire event can be fully recorded by just one person.
TV and video reports for radio, streaming and the internet

A wealth of experience has grown from many years as a video journalist. Hundreds of video reports and TV reports have been produced and broadcast over the years. This activity led to a wide variety of places for a wide variety of topics. These included current information and news, social events, cultural events, sports competitions, football, handball and much more. Our wealth of experience is so rich that we can produce TV reports and video reports for you on all sorts of topics.
Video recording of rounds of talks, discussion events, interviews, etc.

We also use multiple cameras to record interviews, round tables, discussion events, etc. If the questioner is not to be shown in the picture in interviews with only one person, two cameras are sometimes completely sufficient. More than two cameras are always necessary when it comes to interviews and conversations with several people. Remotely controllable cameras would be used if it is an event with an audience. If rounds of talks without an audience are to be video-recorded, the motor pan-tilt may not be necessary. This reduces the technical effort.
Editing and editing of video and audio material

The video recording of events, concerts, interviews, etc. is of course only half the battle. After video recording, video editing is the logical next step in video production. An important part of editing video material is adjusting and mixing the soundtracks or audio tracks. The integration of additional text and image material as well as the integration of logos and blurbs also takes place during the video editing. If you would like video material from you or from other sources to be integrated, you are welcome to submit this. Audio tracks from concert recordings can also be remixed and remastered.
Manufacture of CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs in small quantities

Do you need CDs, DVDs or Blu-ray discs in small quantities? Dessau Videoproduktion und Multimedia is your partner. In terms of archiving, CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs offer a number of advantages. Memory cards, hard drives and USB sticks are not designed to last forever. Blu-ray discs, DVDs and CDs lack electronic components. Thus, these potential weak points and causes for data loss are missing. Blu-ray discs, DVDs and CDs are the best choice for selling, giving away or archiving music and videos as a keepsake.

Results of our work
Film screening in the Naumburg cinema: Maya the Bee's wild sisters as a contribution to protecting the environment

Interviews with nature conservationist Martina Hoffmann and master beekeeper Hermann ... »
Blau Weiß Zorbau's last home game against Magdeburger SV Börde: We talked to Dietmar Neuhaus (President of Blau-Weiß Zorbau) and Maik Kunze (Sports Director and Head Coach of Blau-Weiss Zorbau).

TV report: Blau Weiß Zorbau's last home game against Magdeburger SV Börde, ... »
This is chevy! - Interview with a citizen from the Burgenland district

This is chevy! – The opinion of a citizen from the Burgenland ... »
Naumburg's Christmas market: the ice rink as the highlight of the Burgenland district. Interview with Sylvia Kühl, the city manager of Naumburger Innenstadt eV

TV report: Naumburg's ice skating rink at the Christmas market inspires young and old in ... »
Interview with Lord Mayor Robby Risch: A vision for Weißenfels and the Burgenland district: A conversation with the mayor about his plans and strategies for the development of the city and the region.

Weißenfels in conversation: A TV documentary about the 2nd Citizens' Dialogue and the ... »
Carol singers bring blessings to the Burgenland district district office: TV report A report about visitors to the district office who are disguised as carol singers and bring blessings to the district office.

Carol singers spread joy and blessings in the district office of Burgenlandkreis A report ... »
The Sorceress of Rossbach - A story with Reese & Ërnst.

Enchantress of Rossbach - Reese & Ërnst tell a local ... »
Citizens' association in action: Lützen demo February 9, 2024 for change in Germany

Local community in action: Demo in Lützen against grievances in ... »
Interview with state coach Steven Theilig from KSG Jodan Kamae Zeitz during the training of the state squad for the new competition season.

TV report about the tough training of the state squad for fighting and duos in preparation ... »
SV Burgwerben against SV Wacker 1919 Wengelsdorf in the men's Supercup: awards for youth teams - interview with Thomas Reichert, the president of the Burgenland district football association.

Interview with Thomas Reichert, President of the Burgenland District Football Association, about ... »

Dessau Videoproduktion und Multimedia around the world
bahasa indonesia - indonesian - 印度尼西亚
беларускі - belarusian - ბელორუსული
қазақ - kazakh - każakistan
malti - maltese - maltais
deutsch - german - Німецький
lëtzebuergesch - luxembourgish - luxembourgish
Монгол - mongolian - 몽고 어
فارسی فارسی - persian farsia - persų persų
íslenskur - icelandic - islännesch
polski - polish - Đánh bóng
français - french - fransk
عربي - arabic - arabic
한국인 - korean - 韩国人
македонски - macedonian - Македонская
Српски - serbian - Σέρβος
english - anglais - bahasa inggris
bosanski - bosnian - البوسنية
basa jawa - javanese - javanais
čeština - czech - Τσέχος
עִברִית - hebrew - ivrits
ქართული - georgian - Γεωργιανή
বাংলা - bengali - بنگالی
gaeilge - irish - ایرلندی
हिन्दी - hindi - hindi
español - spanish - ესპანური
italiano - italian - italienesch
slovenský - slovak - eslovaco
lietuvių - lithuanian - litva dili
bugarski - bulgarian - bulgarsk
日本 - japanese - japonez
português - portuguese - португальська
eesti keel - estonian - eistneska, eisti, eistneskur
Ελληνικά - greek - греческий
Русский - russian - venäjän kieli
hrvatski - croatian - croata
dansk - danish - dansk
nederlands - dutch - dutch
norsk - norwegian - norueguês
türk - turkish - turkkilainen
latviski - latvian - người latvia
slovenščina - slovenian - სლოვენური
azərbaycan - azerbaijani - الأذربيجانية
հայերեն - armenian - ерменски
magyar - hungarian - hongaars
українська - ukrainian - ukrainia
suid afrikaans - south african - sør-afrikansk
中国人 - chinese - kineze
svenska - swedish - orang swedia
suomalainen - finnish - finlandais
shqiptare - albanian - آلبانیایی
română - romanian - roemeense
tiếng việt - vietnamese - vietnamita

Reviziju stranice uradio Masmaat Rodriguez - 2024.09.21 - 13:25:12